Buy crypto through one of our 3rd party integrations and participate in the Gains Network ecosystem within minutes.
A digital wallet gives you the ability to own and control cryptocurrencies, and acts as a gateway to decentralized applications like gTrade. You can trade, lend, stake, hodl using this wallet.
We support a list of wallets including: Metamask, Coinbase Wallet, Ledger, and others.
In order to trade using gTrade, you need collateral and gas.
Collateral is the asset you use to place your trades. Your profits & losses are denominated in the same collateral. Choose from our supported options: $DAI, $WETH and $USDC.
Gas is needed to perform blockchain transactions and is based on the blockchain you're trading on. Currently we support Polygon ($POL) and Arbitrum ($ETH).
If you purchased something other than $DAI, $WETH or $USDC, swap now. This will be a blockchain transaction, so you will be expected to sign from your wallet.
Save yourself some $POL or $ETH to pay the network fees while performing blockchain transactions.
Now that you have purchased your crypto, you can trade over 280 pairs on gTrade or earn a real yield lending $DAI, $WETH and $USDC or staking $GNS.